Tourist Information and Access

    Conventional Attractions in Kyoto

    • 清水寺

      Kiyomizu-dera Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijokawara-machi" bus stop, take the number 207 bus bound for "Kujo-Shako-mae"⇒ g…

    • 平等院

      Byodo-in Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel10 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Sanjo" station, take the train bound for "Yodoya bashi" on Keihan Honsen Line ⇒ …

    • 教王護国寺(東寺)

      Kyo-o-gokoku-ji Temple (To-ji Temple)

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijokawara-machi" bus stop, take the number 207 bus bound for "Kujo-Shako-mae"⇒ g…

    • 蓮華王院(三十三間堂)

      Rengeo-in Temple(Sanjusangen-do Temple)

      ■ Access from the hotel11 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Gion Sijho" station, take the train bound for "Yodoya bashi" on Kyoto-Honsen Lin…

    • 大本山 本能寺

      Daihonzan Honnou-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel 5 minutes' walk■ Opening hours[Honnouji precincts] 6:00 to 17:00 open all the year round[Dai-hoh-den Treas…

    • 天授庵(南禅寺塔頭)

      Tenju-an Temple (Nanzen-ji sub-temple)

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-shiyakusho-mae" station, take the local train bound for "Roku-jizo". ⇒ get o…

    • 清涼寺(嵯峨釈迦堂)

      Seiryo-ji Temple (Sagashaka-do)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kokedera-suzumushidera" ⇒ ge…

    • 平安神宮

      Heian-jingu Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijho-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kyoto-gaidai-mae" ⇒ get off…

    • 西本願寺

      Nishi Hongan-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    • 三千院

      Sanzen-in Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Oh-hara" ⇒ get off the bus a…

    • 賀茂別雷神社(上賀茂神社)

      Kamowakeikazuchi-jinja Shrine (Kamigamo-jinja Shrine)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Nishigamo-syako-mae" ⇒ get o…

    • 賀茂御祖神社(下鴨神社)

      Kamomioya-jinja Shrine (Shimogami-jinja Shrine)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Nishi-ohji-sijo" ⇒ get off t…

    • 東山慈照寺(銀閣寺)

      Higashiyama Jisho-ji Temple(Ginkaku-ji Temple)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Ginrin-syako-mae" ⇒ get off …

    • 禅林寺(永観堂)

      Zenrin-ji Temple(Eikan-do)

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-siyakusho-mae" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Hama-otsu" on the "Tozai" l…

    • 建仁寺

      Kennin-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel16 minutes' walk ■ Opening hours[March 1 to October 31] 10:00 to 17:00[December 1 to February 28] 10:00 to 1…

    • 高台寺

      Kodai-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Sijo-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Mibu-sousya-jyo-mae" ⇒ get of…

    • 鹿苑寺(金閣寺)

      Rokuon-ji Temple(Kinkaku-ji Temple)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    • 松尾大社

      Matsuo taisha shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi" station, take the express bound for "Umeda" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" li…

    • 仁和寺

      Ninna-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoenaka-cho" ⇒ get off t…

    • 伏見稲荷大社

      Fushimiinari-taisha Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel10 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Sanjo" station , take the semi-express bound for "Yodoya-bashi" on "Kyoto-honsen"…

    • 嵯峨野・嵐山(竹林の道)

      Sagano/Arashiyama ("Chikurin no Michi" - Road of Bamboo Forest)

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-shiyakusyo-mae" station, take the local train bound for "Uzumasa-tenjingawa"…

    Popular Power-Gaining Spots in Kyoto

    • 地主神社

      Jishu-jinja Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijo-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the number 207 bus bound for "Kujho-syako-mae"⇒…

    • 安井金比羅宮

      Yasui-konpiragu Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel19 minutes' walk■ Opening timeAll day■ Admission feeAdmission freeBad habits and associations such as evil d…

    • 錦天満宮

      Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk■ Opening time8:00 to 20:00Open all the year round■ Admission feeAdmission free"Nishiki Tenma…

    • 八坂神社 美御前社

      .Yasaka-jinjya Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijo-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    • 貴船神社

      Kifune-jinja Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel10 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Sanjo" station, take the train bound for "Demachi-yanagi" on the "Kyoto-honsen" ⇒…

    • 晴明神社

      Seimei-jinja Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho" ⇒ get off …

    • 河合神社

      Kawai-jinja Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    Sightseeing Spots Known as TV Advert Filming Locations

    • 大本山 大覚寺 (旧嵯峨御所 大覚寺門跡)

      Headquarters Daikaku-ji Temple(site of former Sagagosho Daikakujimon)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kiyotaki" ⇒ get off the bus …

    • 源光庵

      Genko-an Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Arisu-gawa(Kyoto)" ⇒ get off…

    • 龍安寺

      Ryoanji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho" ⇒ get off …

    • 勝林寺

      Shorin-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijo-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    • 妙心寺

      Myoshin-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawaramachi" station, take the train bound for "Umeda" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" line …

    • 南禅寺

      Nanzen-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-siyakusyo-mae" station, take the train bound for "Hama-oh-tsu" on the "Tozai…

    Temples and Shrines & Scenic Spots

    • 大徳寺

      Daitoku-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" station ⇒ ge…

    • 首振り地蔵(善光寺堂)

      Kubihuri-Jizo (Zenkouji-do Temple)

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijo-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the number 207 bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒…

    • 護王神社

      Go-oh-jinja Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Ritsumeikan-daigaku-mae" ⇒ g…

    • 引接寺(千本閻魔堂)

      Injho-ji Temple (Senbon-Enma-do Temple)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho"⇒ get off t…

    • 圓光寺

      Enkoh-jI Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Iwakura-sousajyo-mae"⇒ get o…

    • 鈴虫寺(華厳寺)

      Suzumushi-dera Temple (Kegon-ji)

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes walk ⇒ at the "Kawaramachi" station, take the train bound for "Umada" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" line ⇒…

    • 愛宕念仏寺

      Otagi-Nenbutsu-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawaramachi" station, take the train bound for "Umada" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" line …

    • 祇王寺

      Gi-Oh-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho"⇒ get off t…

    • 常寂光寺

      Jyo-jakkoh-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho" ⇒ get off …

    • 車折神社

      Kurumazaki-jinja Shrine

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho"⇒ get off t…

    • 鞍馬寺

      Kurama-dera Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Nishi-oh-ji-sijho"⇒ get off …

    • 天龍寺

      Ten-ryu-ji Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-shiyakusyo-mae" station, take the train bound for "Uzumasa-tenjingawa" on th…

    • 知恩院

      Chion-in Temple

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Iwakura-sosya-jyo-mae"⇒ get …

    • 法観寺(八坂の塔)

      Houkan-ji Temple (Yasaka-no-toh)

      ■ Access from the hotel11 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijo-keihan-mae" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kyoto-eki-mae"⇒ get off the b…

    • 青蓮院門跡


      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Iwakura-sousya-jyo-mae"⇒ get…

    • 曼殊院門跡


      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Iwakura-sousya-jyo-mae"⇒ get…

    Historic Landmarks & Sites

    • 元離宮二条城

      Mot-rikyu-nijyo-jyo Castle

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-siyakusyo-mae" station, take the local train bound for "Uzumasa-tenjin-gawa"…

    • 京都御所


      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho" ⇒ get off …

    • 修学院離宮


      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Iwakura-sosyajo-mae" ⇒ get o…

    • 桂離宮


      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi" station, take the express bound for "Umeda" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" li…

    • 渡月橋

      Togetsu-kyo Bridge

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi" station, take the express bound for "Umeda" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" li…

    Event & Experience Spots

    • 月桂冠大倉記念館

      Gekkei-kan Okura Museum

      ■ Access from the hotel10 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Sanjo" station, take the express bound for "Yodobashi" on the "Kyo-han" line ⇒ ge…

    • 嵐山通船[北乗り場]

      Arashiyama Tsusen [North stand]

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi" station, take the express bound for "Umeda" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" li…

    • 嵐山通船[南乗り場]

      Arashiyama Tsusen [South stand]

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi" station, take the express bound for "Umeda" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" li…

    • 京都水族館

      Kyoto Aquarium

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    • 嵐山モンキーパーク いわたやま

      Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama

      ■ Access from the hotel8 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi" station, take the express bound for "Umeda" on the "Hankyu-kyoto" li…

    • 京都市動物園

      Kyoto City Zoo

      ■ Access from the hotel25 minutes' walk10 minutes by car■ Opening hours[March to November] 9:00 to 17:00[December to February] 9:00…

    • 保津川下り

      Hozu-gawa River Rafting

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-Shiyakusyo-mae" station, take the local train bound for "Uzumasa-tenjin-gawa…

    • ギオンコーナー

      Gion Corner

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjyo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kyoto-eki-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    • 東映太秦映画村

      Toei Kyoto Studio Park

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-Shiyakusyo-mae" station, take the local train bound for "Uzumasa-tenjin-gawa…

    • 嵯峨野トロッコ列車

      Sagano Romantic Train

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-Shiyakusyo-mae" station, take the local train bound for "Uzumasa-tenjin-gawa…

    • 嵐山本格舞妓体験処 STUDIO心

      Arashiyama Full-scale Maiko Experienciing STUDIO Kokoro

      ■ Access from the hotel7 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kyoto-Shiyakusyo-mae" station, take the local train bound for "Uzumasa-tenjin-gawa…

    Archives Center, Museum, etc

    • 清水三年坂美術館

      Shimizu Sannenzaka Museum

      ■ Access from the hotel9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijo-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off th…

    • 茶道資料館

      Cha-do-siryo-kan (Tea Ceremony Museum)

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Arisu-gawa(Kyoto)" ⇒ get off…

    • 漢検 漢字資料館

      Kanken Chinese Character Museum

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kyoto-eki-mae" ⇒ get off the…

    • 京都嵐山オルゴール博物館

      Kyoto Arashiyama Orgel Museum

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Yamagoe-naka-cho" ⇒ get off …

    • 宇治市源氏物語ミュージアム

      Uji-shi Genji-monigatari Museum

      ■ Access from the hotel10 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Sanjyo" station, take the express bound for "Yodoya" on the "Kyo-han" line ⇒ tran…

    • 京都伝統産業ふれあい館

      Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Iwakura-sosyajo-mae" ⇒ get o…

    • 承天閣美術館

      Syo-ten-kaku Museum

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Nishigamo-syako-mae" ⇒ get o…

    • 高麗美術館

      Korai Museum

      ■ Access from the hotel4 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Kawara-machi-sanjo" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kamigamo-jinja-mae" ⇒ get of…

    八坂神社 美御前社

    .Yasaka-jinjya Shrine


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    ■ Access from the hotel
    9 minutes' walk ⇒ at the "Shijo-kawara-machi" bus stop, take the bus bound for "Kujo-syako-mae" ⇒ get off the bus at "Gion" bus stop ⇒ 1 minute walk
    (About 15 minutes )

    ■ Opening hours
    9:00 to 16:30
    Open all the year round

    ■ Admission fee
    Admission free

    Fulfilment of beauty, richness and entertainment
    three goddesses of beauty honored as the beauty have been deified in "Utsukushi-gozensha" of "Yasaka Jinja".
    "Jinsui", the spring water which is welling up in front of the shrine, is popular as "beauty water" for health and beautiful skin and even cultivating the mind.

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